Mom Has An Oil For That
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Why we do what we do.
Tummy Troubles
Karen in Littleton, Colorado
DigestZen worked when nothing else did!
Weight management
Sharon in Wyoming
I drink Slim & Sassy in drinking water every day.
Spikenard - sometimes called lavender for men
Ben, a boy in Colorado
My favorite doTERRA oil is Spikenard!
Skin solution!
Sela in Fort Collins, Colorado
I use Lavender for everything skin!
Ticks be gone!
Chris in Colorado
No more ticks spray: Eucalyptus and Melaleuca and top off with witch hazel.
During fall and winter seasons
Sela in Fort Colins, Colorado
Melaleuca and On Guard keep the yuck away!
So soothing!
Mark in Hillrose, Colorado
My favorite doTERRA oil is Deep Blue. It works great.
A kid's favorite
Alexander, a kid in Littleton, Colorado
"My favorite doTERRA oil is grapefruit. But it's hard to tell from orange and lemon."
Skin issues
Erin in Castle Rock, Colorado
My favorite doTERRA oil is Helichrysum. It's great for skin issues!
Love Lemon
Abbie, a kid in Colorado
My favorite doTERRA oil is Lemon!
Beauty Sleep
Rachael, a kid in Colorado
Serenity helps me get my beauty sleep.
I believe
Deena in Colorado
I fall in love with doTERRA every time I use these amazing oils. It truly helps the problem at hand. I believe
Reduce tension for sleep
A mom in Colorado
We found that PastTense helps us sleep.
Changed our lives
A dad in Colorado
Deep Blue and On Guard are life savers!
Head and neck tension
Ryan in Wyoming
We found that Peppermint helps with head and neck tension
The Swiss army knife of oils
Jackie in Arvada, Colorado
Lavender is the fix all for everything.
Kathy & Ray in Westminster, Colorado
Our favorite doTERRA oil is Deep Blue. It is amazing.
A lady in Colorado
I use Peace blend every day of my life.
School help
Izaiah, a kid in Colorado
I use Lemon to help my left brain and Peppermint to help my right brain.
For stage fright
Bella, a kid in Morrison, Colorado
I use Lavender before shows.
Laundry happiness
A mom in Colorado
I love Wild Orange and Peppermint. I put them on my wool dryer balls.

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Please note - The statements found throughout this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.