Loyalty Rewards Program AKA LRP = FREE!!
HOW do we do LRP monthly rewards ordering and WHY do we do it?
FIRST, you don't have to order monthly, you can order as often as you want, whenever you want by clicking the "create new one-time order button". BUT it's better to order monthly in the Loyalty Rewards Program and save on your Monthly Wellness Box.
*Free to join monthly rewards ordering
*Get free products
*Get shipping reimbursed as product points to buy more free product
*Work your way up to 30% back in rewards!
*Get a free oil every month! (with qualifying purchase of 125 PV (product value) or more
HOW TO LOG IN - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu4Lkqs1Vyg
- Type in your browser - doterra.com
- Hover over the person symbol/account in the upper right hand corner
- Enter ID and Password that were emailed to you when you opened your doTERRA wholesale account
- Login
- doTERRA will require you to verify your account the first time you log in. Have your cell phone or home phone available so they can confirm it is you. They will ask you if you want them to call you or text you to verify. Once verified, you will be able to move forward.
- Click either “Create New LRP” to begin saving with your monthly Wellness Box order
-earn a free oil monthly with an order of 125 pv or more
-earn 10-30% back in rewards points to spend on free products in the future
-earn your shipping back in rewards points
Click “Create One Time Order”. if you are not wanting to earn the benefits above.
When you choose to opt-in to the free Monthly Ordering Rewards Program, you will click Create LRP on the first login only. Once your LRP cart is set up, you will only click EDIT in the future.
Your cart will process every month on that date, so you must update your cart, or you will get the same products again. You must order at least 1 PV = $1 each month to earn the benefits in the LRP program. Don't cancel your LRP! If you do, you start back at 10% rewards and lose your points! Ideas below on what to order that are low cost if there is a month where you don't need much.
**FREE OIL OF THE MONTH - Make your ship date on or before the 15th of the month. This helps you get the free oil of the month from doTERRA and gets you entered into all the giveaways we have for everyone who orders on or before the 15th.
Catalog/Product Guide: https://media.doterra.com/us/en/brochures/product-guide.pdf